

13 February, 2024

Big month for music lovers

THE next month is looking jam-packed for Tablelands Music Lovers, with several events happening at their facility in Atherton.

Big month for music lovers - feature photo

Singers of all ages and expertise are invited to a Karaoke Party this Friday, 16 February, from 7 pm. 

Participants can choose their songs, warm up their vocal cords, and sing the night away. Entry is $10 at the door. 

On Sunday, there will also be an Open Mic Night from 4pm-8pm for local singers of all talents. Entry is $5 at the door. 

TML favourite Sonic Bloom will be playing on Friday 23 February from 7.30pm, fronted by songwriting team Tim and Geraldine Borella.

The band will play a variety of original songs and an array of covers with rock, pop, country and jazz influences.

Classical piano player Sean Bennett and class guitar player Matt Krolik will perform on 2 March from 7.30pm, with tickets on sale for $15.

Sean, a lifelong musician, initially played classical pieces on piano and rock and roll on guitar.

His experience backing an Elvis Impersonator led him to also play rock and roll on piano.

Inspired by Beethoven's innovative use of the piano, Sean incorporates some of Beethoven's compositions into the night's performance, highlighting the maestro's impact on musical expression.

Matt fell in love with the classical guitar after being inspired by a performance by John Williams.

Drawn to the challenge of learning pieces from the Golden Age of classical guitar, Matt will be performing selections around the late 1800s and early 1900s, including works by Antonio Lauro, a Venezuelan guitarist who influenced a generation of classical musicians.

Blood on the Frets will be back in concert on 8 March from 7pm, promising a night of deep belly laughs.

Featuring some of the Tableland's best musicians and written by accomplished local songwriter Bruce Thompson, it is a surprisingly strong piece of work. And its music is its strength.

Local talent on show this time around will be Ben Wilson, Daniela Linda, Neville Condon, Nicole Willinger, Colin Singh, Geraldine Borella, Christina Balabin, Emily Thompson, Matthew Thompson, Matt Krolik, Tim Borella, Nick Watling, Peter Lawlor

Tickets for Blood on the Frets are available at

All the events hosted by TML take place at their facility on 3 Grainger Lane, Atherton. For more information, visit their Facebook page at  


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