

4 July, 2022

Boxers gear up for Golden Gloves

A FEARSOME contingent of the southern Tablelands best boxers will be strapped up and ready to rumble as Ashely Cupitt Boxing Academy prepares some of its fighters to compete in the upcoming Golden Gloves titles to be held in Mareeba.

By Rhys Thomas

Ashley Cupitt’s Boxing Gym fighters Cohan Lockett, Tommy Robinson, Deakin Csoma-Weare and Blake Whitford are all competing in the up and coming Golden Gloves titles due to be held in Mareeba.
Ashley Cupitt’s Boxing Gym fighters Cohan Lockett, Tommy Robinson, Deakin Csoma-Weare and Blake Whitford are all competing in the up and coming Golden Gloves titles due to be held in Mareeba.

 Lead by head trainer Ashley Cupitt OAM, the Yungaburra based boxing gym participated in last year’s Golden Gloves titles held in Home Hill, taking four fighters down to compete. 

All the fighters returned with heavy necks as the club secured six titles and one award with three gold and three silver medals including an encouragement award. 

From their current incomplete records, Ashley Cupitt Boxing Academy has achieved 56 Golden Gloves titles and a further overall 200 titles to 60 boxers over the past 40 plus years. 

These titles include WBF Masters, World Firefighter Games, Olympic Trials, State, National, NQ Games and of course, Golden Gloves. 

From time to time, former champions call into the club to make appearances, either for fitness or trying to get back in the game. 

“Plenty of them also drop in to have a chat and also sometimes help out with training and encouraging the new boxers,” Mr Cupitt said.

With this year’s titles being held in Mareeba, Mr Cupitt believes it will do wonders for not only the local community, but the boxing scene as well.

“It is a great way to showcase the boxing talent on the Tablelands and it will hopefully attract more people to the sport,” Mr Cupitt said. 

“Clubs from all over Queensland and some of the other states come to the area, this also gives them the opportunity to experience the Tablelands and the coastal areas.

“After attending the Golden Gloves that we hosted in Atherton, one of the club’s trainer's daughters chose this area to have her wedding celebration.”

Mr Cupitt is excited for his gym to be participating in this year’s titles so close to home, and the potential for more Golden Gloves titles to line the club’s trophy case. 

“It is a great experience for our Boxers to compete at a Titles with the possibility of taking home a gold, silver or bronze and adding to our club's tally.

“The titles will be a great success and all boxers attending will do their best to take the titles home.” 

Now for this year’s titles, 17-year-old Cohan Lockett and 14-year-old Deakin Csoma-Weare will be returning to the Golden Gloves ring after competing last year, while 14-year-old Blake Whitford and 11-year-old Tommy Robinson will have their first taste of the titles. 

Being the most experienced boxer of the group, Lockett is looking forward to stepping into the Golden Gloves ring once more after winning a gold and silver in last year’s competition. 

“I am excited to fight once again, it is my chance to prove I am the best fighter in my weight and age in Queensland,” he said. 

This year’s Queensland Golden Gloves titles are being hosted by Bryde’s Boxing Gym, set to be held at the Mareeba Turf Club on 22-23 July.


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