Community & Business
20 December, 2023
Braes puts her hat in the election ring
A WELL-known surname in Mareeba will appear on the ballot paper at next year’s local government election, with Amy Braes announcing her intention to contest the poll for Mareeba Shire Council.
Ms Braes, who is the daughter of well-known magistrate, Tom Braes, has lived in Mareeba for most of her life and says she is ready to serve the people of the shire.
“You could say, I’m a woman on a mission,” she said.
“Many people know my father, Tom, and my incredible, late mother, Karen. They taught me that if you want to see things improve, you put your hand up and you contribute.
“That’s what I’m doing. I’m putting my hand up to represent the people in the Mareeba Shire who are already doing amazing things - from those bringing events to communities, or innovating in business and industry, to the people who get up every day, work hard and contribute to this great shire.”
Ms Braes says she will campaign on three carefully chosen themes – local, dedicated and driven.
“Local, because I am respectful of community values and traditions; dedicated because I will represent Mareeba Shire in all forums to the best of my ability; and driven, to ensure that the Mareeba Shire does not get left behind,” she said.
Ms Braes says her track record of being involved in the community – from volunteer roles to positions within several organisations – puts her in good stead to be able to represent the whole shire.
She was a long-term staffer and then director at the Mareeba and Dimbulah branches of Bendigo Bank, a key member of QITE’s leadership team and, in recent years, part of council’s Community Wellbeing and Strategic Development teams, before starting her new business “Conscious Copy” in 2023.
Ms Braes has also played a role within the Mareeba Chamber of Commerce, on the Health Service Consumer Consultative Committee and has supported the Lions Club at events and behind the scenes.
Recently volunteering to bring the UniSQ’s program for regional and remote women entrepreneurs to the Far North, she says her commitment to the community runs deep.
She believes financial sustainability is key to enabling the council to continue to fund upgrades to core services such as local roads, water, wastewater and waste management.
“These are high-cost items and ratepayers rightly expect that these services are delivered to the community’s standard, while keeping rate rises to the lowest possible,” Ms Braes said.
“If I am elected, this will remain as the number 1 priority.
“What I will also be strongly advocating for is to ensure that the council makes decisions and implements policies that enable, encourage and attract investment, growth and prosperity to the shire in the long run.”
Ms Braes says she is keen to talk to the community in the coming months.
“If you see me out and about, please say g’day. I’d love to hear about your vision for the shire, and the opportunities you see for our great communities,” she added.
The local government election will be held on 16 March 2024.