General News
15 January, 2025
Capital works on track
CAPITAL works across Mareeba Shire are on track, according to a report at the last meeting of the year.

Progress is well underway to seal two sections of Ootann Road after the council received funding from the Australian Government from the Investment Road and Rail Program to undertake widening and sealing works.
During the latter part of year, the two unsealed sections had earthworks to subgrade level, drainage structures and rock protection completed. The crew will return to the site after the 2024-25 wet season.
Works are also continuing for the retaining wall at the Kuranda Heights Cemetery to protect the exposed rock face at the site during wet weather events.
The Kuranda Heights Cemetery became available for internments from August 2024 and Stage 1 of the project will have capacity for the next 10 years.
In Mareeba, the Byrnes Street median upgrades are progressing well, with the goal to enhance visibility for road users and create safer working conditions for council’s parks and gardens crews.
The concrete kerbs have been installed and planted on the eastern side of Byrnes Street between Railway Avenue and Granite Creek, the corner of Railway Avenue and Rotary Park, and near the BP Station.
The project is fully funded by the Australian Government’s Local Roads and Community Infrastructure Program.
Works are also now complete to replace the 190m road base near the Salihe Avenue intersection at James Street in Mareeba to improve the quality of the road.
Another highlight in the capital works update for November was the replacement of the water mains in Keeble and Adams Streets
in Mareeba.