
General News

8 September, 2022

Car wash creates chance to talk

LOCALS are being encouraged to take some time out of their Saturday to have their car washed at a local business and ask the important question: “R U OK?”

Glossworks Auto Detailing owner Matt Fisher is encouraging people to come along this Saturday and get their car washed and have a conversation in support of R U OK? charity.
Glossworks Auto Detailing owner Matt Fisher is encouraging people to come along this Saturday and get their car washed and have a conversation in support of R U OK? charity.

The car wash will be hosted at Gloss-works Auto Detailing on Rankin Street, Mareeba with all of the proceeds raised on the day going towards R U OK? Charity.

The Hungry Pug has offered their services for the day and will be serving food and refreshments for people to enjoy while their cars get washed.

Glossworks Auto Detailing owner Matt Fisher is encouraging people to come along on the day, get their car washed, have a feed and ask the important question, are you okay?

“Come along and get your car washed because then not only are you giving to a good cause but you’ve got the chance to stand around while you wait and actually ask that question, are you okay?” he said.

“Come with friends and family, have a pie and a drink and have a conversation.”

The car wash will operate in a revolving door style where cars enter one door and exit another however with limited space in the workshop, Mr Fisher is asking people to be patient.

Mr Fisher says it is important for people to ask those close to them how they are really doing because many people suffer from mental health issues that cannot be easily seen.

“I have suffered with depression and anxiety most of my life so I wanted to do something and raise some awareness,” he said.

“When you are struggling with mental health and suicidal thoughts, you don’t really reach out for help because you feel you are a burden on everyone else – you shut away.

“It is very important to actually ask people who are close to you, are you okay? What’s going on?”


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