Community & Business
5 November, 2023
Celebrating happiness
DIMBULAH State School marked Mental Health Awareness Week recently, embracing the theme of “Do What Makes You Happy”.

Students created a vibrant “happiness chain”, showcasing their sources of joy, including family, friends, gardening, outdoor play, fishing, swimming, and spending time with pets.
The School Support Team also put together an informative display, guiding students on connecting with vital mental health support agencies like KidsHelpline, HeadSpace and Beyond Blue.
Stressing the importance of physical activity and nutritious eating, the event featured enticing fruit platters from local produce and an invigorating physical activity circuit led by Kyan Sheppard, a fitness instructor from the local FC Crew gym, who generously donated his expertise and time.
Both students and staff actively participated in the activities, gaining valuable insights to support their ongoing mental health awareness and overall well-being.