
Community & Business

6 June, 2023

Celebrating the art of reconciliation

TO celebrate National Reconciliation Week, students at Mareeba State School explored colours and paints to share stories of the connection to land, waterways and seas.

Celebrating the art of reconciliation - feature photo

Reconciliation Week is a week of observance that aims to promote reconciliation and foster better relationships between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.

During their lunch break last Tuesday, students got together to paint their interpretations of reconciliation and spend time with their peers.

“Students enjoyed their social interactions with peers as they painted together and learned about each other,” Indigenous educator Fallon Grainer said.

“In my role as an Indigenous educator, I am able to create an inclusive space for all students to participate in cultural activities to encourage them to share and learn from each other.

“Children are our future, and I am confident our students will be a voice for generations.”


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