9 May, 2022
Chillagoe rodeo returns with a bang
IT was non-stop action in Chillagoe over the weekend as hundreds of cowboys and cowgirls flocked to the small town for their annual rodeo.

IT was non-stop action in Chillagoe over the weekend as hundreds of cowboys and cowgirls flocked to the small town for their annual rodeo.
The Chillagoe Rodeo has made a comeback this year after being temporarily postponed in 2020-21.
The Chillagoe Roundup took its place last year and raised the necessary funds needed for this year’s rodeo. The rodeo has now returned in full force as hundreds of people gathered at Chillagoe’s rodeo grounds for some good old-fashioned rodeo fun.
Rodeo secretary Lee Gordan was overjoyed with the turnout and the conduct of everyone who attended.
“We had such a fantastic weekend, we had to do an alcohol pick up Saturday morning and we still ran out of rum at the end of the night,” she said. “Everyone was amazing and it was a very good crowd.”
Rider Luke Smith was centre stage during over the weekend as he competed with some of the toughest bull riders and some of the rankest bulls during the open bull ride.
He managed to climb out on top and win the open bull ride. The novice bull ride title went to Leith Malone while the open saddle bronc was secured by Raymond Brown.
Barrel racing was a highly competitive event however Gabby Cahill manoeuvred her way to a first-place position in the ladies’ barrel racing.