
Community & Business

21 June, 2023

Confusion reigns over tree felling

CONFUSION still surrounds the would-be lumberjack who felled trees on the Barron River Esplanade after the Department of Resources initially identified Mareeba Shire Council as the culprit.

One of the trees felled along the Barron River.
One of the trees felled along the Barron River.

CONFUSION still surrounds the would-be lumberjack who felled trees on the Barron River Esplanade after the Department of Resources initially identifi ed Mareeba Shire Council as the culprit.

Several large, fully grown trees have been cut down along areas of the esplanade both on council managed land and State-managed land by the water.

A spokesperson from the department verbally advised The Express that initially they believed council were the ones who cut down the trees however, council has completely denied the claims and said the matter is still being investigated.

“Mareeba Shire Council did not cut down the trees on the Barron River near John Doyle Bridge and is completely unaware of who is responsible,” a spokesperson said.

“Council does not know why the Department of Resources has allegedly stated that council cut down the trees.

“Council will continue to investigate this matter.”

The department has since investigated the issue and was unable to identify an off ender, advising it will monitor the situation but will not take further action.

“Individuals wishing to report unauthorised clearing can contact the Department’s Vegetation Management Hub on 135 VEG or 135 834,” a spokesperson said.

“Landholders wishing to remove debris from a watercourse should contact the Department of Regional Development, Manufacturing and Water.” 


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