Community & Business
29 January, 2025
Counterfeit cash found in Mareeba
POLICE are advising local businesses to be vigilant when accepting cash payments after a counterfeit banknote was given to Tablelands to Tabletop.

The note was identified after business owner Angela Nason was conducting her regular deposits at her bank last week.
The incident was immediately reported to Australian Federal Police.
“Things like this can really affect a small business, $50 might be the profit margin some of us make some days and to have that made nil is a bit discouraging and almost a waste of a days’ work,” Ms Nason said.
A Queensland Police Service spokesperson said counterfeit Australian $50 notes are more commonly used and have been presented to police in recent months, although other denominations are also copied from time to time.
“Police encourage staff at any business premises that accepts cash payments to be vigilant,” they said.
“Any reasonable examination of a note will identify that it is fake. This can include the quality or texture of the note’s material or the feel of the note, paper verse plastic.
“A counterfeit note printed on paper will not have a clear window and other security measures such as the Coat of Arms will not be visible when held to the light.
“If a staff member receives a counterfeit note, please ensure the note is handled as little as possible, note a description of the offender or obtain a copy of any CCTV footage of the offender, and contact police,” they said.
Following the incident, Ms Nason took to social media to warn the Tablelands community.
“My bank said they were alerted that there were fake notes circulating out of Townsville,” she replied to a comment.
“My junior staff wouldn’t have noticed, it’s not something we considered to be ever given but now we know what to look out for.
“I had it in my banking from last week’s cash takings and I myself didn’t really notice.
“The bank felt it right away and scrubbed it, the print came off as shown in the picture.
“We don’t know which customer used it or what day, they probably had no idea either,” she concluded.
Community members commenting on the post also raised the issue that businesses are unable to be reimbursed for any fraudulent money they unknowingly receive.
According to the Reserve Bank of Australia’s website, this is because counterfeit money has no value so it therefore cannot be reimbursed with legitimate currency.
It also noted that businesses are well within their rights to refuse to accept
a banknote if they have any concerns about it.
For further information on how to detect counterfeit banknotes visit