
Community & Business

11 September, 2022

Crackdown on unpaid debts

TEAMS of enforcement officers from the State Penal-ties Enforcement Registry (SPER) were in the region last week to crack down on people who refuse to pay their debts.

A SPER officer places a wheel clamp on a car during the crackdown last week.
A SPER officer places a wheel clamp on a car during the crackdown last week.

The team seized more than 20 vehicles, including a BMW, high-end SUVs, a boat and even a Mack truck. The vehicles will be sold at auction if the owners refuse to pay.

SPER Enforcement Director Kim Easton said around 23,000 individuals and businesses across the Cairns region collectively owed more than $45 million in unpaid fines and penalties.

“SPER officers are carrying out a field enforcement operation across the region, including Atherton, Mareeba, Innisfail, Gordonvale and Tully, to encourage debtors to pay the money they owe the people of Queensland,” Mr Easton said last week.

He said officers were visiting debtors at their home or workplace and those people who refused to pay their debts would face tough action.

“This includes having money taken from their wages or bank accounts through garnishment powers or having their cars clamped, seized and sold to meet their obligations,” Mr Easton said.

Mr Easton encouraged anyone in Cairns and Far North Queensland with an outstanding debt to contact SPER before it was necessary for officers to take enforcement action.

“SPER has contacted thousands of people in the region to remind them of their outstanding debts and the need to deal with it – one final chance to do the right thing before we’re forced to take strong action,” he said.

Mr Easton said regional enforcement activities were part of SPER’s ongoing state-wide operations.

“Through operations like these, SPER has seized a range of property from people refusing to pay their debt,” he said.

“This includes luxury SUVs, hi-spec utes and motor-bikes, trucks, boats, trailers and jet skis.

“If you have a SPER debt, you need to pay it now be-cause the consequences are serious. SPER debts don’t go away – they will catch up with you.”

Anyone who is having trouble paying for whatever rea-son should contact SPER on 1300 365 635 to discuss their payment options and avoid enforcement action


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