General News
17 February, 2024
Deputy Mayor set to run again
PUTTING more money into maintaining facilities like parks and gardens, roads and critical sewerage and water infrastructure will be a focal point for Mareeba’s Deputy Mayor Kevin Davies if he is successful at next month’s local government election.

Cr Davies has served two terms on Mareeba Shire Council, taking the Deputy Mayoral role on in 2020.
But as the shire continues to deliver more significant projects like the beautification of Byrnes Street and the revitalisation of Bicentennial Lakes, Cr Davies wants to see more money allocated to keeping the areas attractive, clean and safe.
“Over the past four years, there have been significant projects completed to improve Infrastructure Shire-wide – from water and sewerage main upgrades and road improvements, including bridges, to improving our parks and open spaces.
“If given the privilege of representing our communities again in March, I will be pushing for increased maintenance funding to keep our current assets to an acceptable standard,” he said.
“We want everyone to be proud to live in this shire and we will continue to look at ways to improve liveability for all residents.”
For Cr Davies, listening to the concerns of residents and ratepayers is a top priority as well as keeping the shire’s finances in good stead.
“For me, one of the most important things is to listen to people and try to make our shire the best place to live, work and play.
“It’s also very important to maintain our financial sustainability and decrease our borrowings which is why we always need to carefully consider how we go forward and what projects we fund.”
As a long-serving member of the Traffic Advisory Committee, Cr Davies has always had a focus on the condition of our roads and says it’s important to keep the pressure on government departments to deliver a better road network.
“I will continue to lobby the relevant government departments to improve services in Mareeba Shire on matters such as crime, health and the State-controlled road networks which includes the Mareeba Bypass, the Barron River bridge at Kuranda and the completion of the sealing of the last 3.5km of the Almaden to Chillagoe road just to name a few,” he said.