
Community & Business

29 September, 2022

Donate to help animals in need

THE Animal Rescue Tablelands has started up a variety of programs to help in the desexing and rehoming of furry friends across the region including a new initiative that allows owners to surrender their pet’s unexpected litter and get the animal desexed for free.

Donate to help animals in need - feature photo

The Last Litter Pro-gram, designed by operator Sandy Brown, allows owners to surrender their pet’s unexpected litter which will then be put up for adoption when they are ready.

Animal Rescue Tablelands is not government-funded and is requesting any generous donations to help them continue the work they do.

“We just need to know the babies are safe. We do not receive any government or council funding to help us financially, and with the number of animals and families we assist, it is taking its toll on us financially,” Ms Brown said.

“We are urging anyone who can help to give us some financial assistance to help us continue saving animals who don't have a voice.

“If you can find it in your heart to help us, we will be forever grateful.”

Any donations can be made to the organisation via bank transfer to 

NAME: Animal Rescue Tablelands Inc, 

BSB: 064812, 

Account Number: 10277745


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