
Community & Business

13 April, 2023

Entsch voices his position

FEDERAL Member for Leichhardt, Warren Entsch will oppose the Voice to Parliament which will be subject of a referendum later this year in support of the Liberal Party’s position announced by Opposition Leader Peter Dutton on Wednesday.

Entsch voices his position - feature photo

Mr Entsch said it was all about “actual change rather than tokenism” and adopting new approaches to improve the lives of Indigenous Australians.

“I’ve always argued that recognition is absolutely overdue and should be in the constitution, and I support that wholeheartedly,” he said.

“However, the Voice as currently put forward by the Government won’t make a tangible difference without involving local popularly elected leaders to present their case for their own respective communities.”

He emphasised that he would support a legislated Voice mechanism, but the focus must be on local voices and addressing a range of issues, including birthing clinics, improved health services, drug and alcohol rehabilitation centres closer to remote communities, and better housing configurations.

“We must engage in local and regional solutions,” he said.

“We don’t need more metropolitan, academic self-appointed leaders dictating to local communities – we can see how well that approach has worked so far.”

Mr Entsch expressed concerns that the current proposal, if passed, would likely not address longstanding issues that have plagued many remote Indigenous communities.

“Enshrining a Voice in the Constitution may seem to some like a solution, but I have significant reservations that it won’t actually address the issues in remote communities and could, in fact, make things worse,” he said


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