Community & Business
27 May, 2023
Events to highlight Reconciliation Week
EVENTS across the Tablelands are planned for this year’s National Reconciliation Week (Saturday 27 May-Friday 3 June).

The theme of the week this year is “Be a Voice for Generations”, which encourages everyone to be a voice for reconciliation in their everyday lives.
“Tablelands Regional Council is committed to playing a critical role, in partnership with our community, in establishing a clear roadmap towards reconciliation,” Reconciliation Action Advisory Committee chair Cr Bernie Wilce said.
“To celebrate this national occa-sion, we have worked with commu-nity organisations to plan a number of events across the region.
“There will be a Family Fun Day at Mount Garnet, art workshops, exhibitions and so much more.”
Locals can find out what events are on by going to and people are being encouraged to add their event to the calendar.
“Our reconciliation journey isn’t restricted to National Reconciliation Week,” Cr Wilce said.
“Our Reconciliation Action Advi-sory Committee, made up of repre-sentatives from the Southern Table-land Traditional Owners Alliance and TRC staff, meets regularly to advise council on the development and im-plementation of our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP).
“Our Innovate RAP provides us with a clear direction to continue to advance reconciliation in the region, and we’re keen to work with businesses and organisations on their own RAP journey.
“Get in touch if you’d like to work with us,” he added