
Community & Business

19 August, 2023

Family reunited with cat

A TALE of a cat that was reunited with her family after being missing for five years is a good example of why animal owners should microchip their pets, says Tablelands Regional Council.

Xena the cat has finally been reunited with her family after being missing for five years, thanks to being microchipped and details kept up to date.
Xena the cat has finally been reunited with her family after being missing for five years, thanks to being microchipped and details kept up to date.

Xena the cat went missing during a time when her family was in the middle of relocating to New South Wales.

The removalists were delayed in the hope she would show up but in the end the move went ahead.

Council picked up Xena a couple of weeks ago from the vets and luckily she was microchipped. The details listed a NSW address and a contact number. So, council called the number and were able to tell her relieved owners that Xena was alive and well.

After explaining why they were calling, the phone went quiet and then: “ ... they found her, they found Xena, I thought she was dead, they found her!”

Xena made her long-delayed move to NSW and was reunited with her family on 1 August who said she was “still the beautiful, affectionate cat” they remember from five years ago.

This reunion was only possible because Xena's owners microchipped her and kept their details up to date which is the easiest way for council to reunite pets who go missing with their owners.

Council also reminds pet owners that they have a legal responsibility to microchip their cats and dogs. 

Head to or get in touch  with council for more information on microchipping.


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