
General News

29 August, 2023

Farmers up for prestigious industry award

FOUR innovative horticultural farmers will find out whether they have won the 2023 Charlie Nastasi Horticultural Farmer of the Year at a gala dinner to be held this Friday night.

AWARD NOMINEES: From top left – Gina Galati, Josh Maunder, Oscar Bugno and Lorraine Stopford have all been nominated for the 2023 Charlie Nastasi Horticultural Farmer of the Year award.
AWARD NOMINEES: From top left – Gina Galati, Josh Maunder, Oscar Bugno and Lorraine Stopford have all been nominated for the 2023 Charlie Nastasi Horticultural Farmer of the Year award.

The prestigious award, which is an initiative of FNQ Growers, honours a horticultural grower who has demonstrated outstanding innovation and exceptional leadership in the Far North Queensland horticultural industry.

The award was named in honour of the late Charlie Nastasi, an innovative mango grower from Biboohra.

FNQ Growers president Joe Moro said the event would celebrate the industry’s achievements and honour the award nominees, all of which have demonstrated innovation and leadership in various horticultural commodities.

Farmers in the running for the accolade are Oscar Bugno, of Bug’s Citrus and JDL, Dimbulah; Gina Galati of Galati Farming, Biboohra; Josh Maunder, of Ausex Fruit, Bellenden Ker; and Lorraine Stopford of Rocky Creek Orchards, Tolga.

The winner will be announced at the dinner at the Mareeba International Club. Tickets can be booked by going to 


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