Community & Business
27 September, 2023
Fords on show
FORDS of all kinds are set to take over Hansen Ford in Mareeba this weekend for the first All Ford Day since Covid-19.

Whether it be the old Model T or a brand-new luxury Mustang, all makes and models of Ford cars are welcome to show on the day.
This year is particularly special, with Australia's first-ever Ford F150 set to be showcased on the day.
The luxury American “truck” will be on display and will be sold through Mareeba Hansen Ford – being the first of its kind to be sold on Australian soil.
All Ford Club FNQ Inc secretary Michelle Saunders said the club was keen to have the event back in Mareeba again and is encouraging locals to polish up their “old faithfuls” to display.
Owners of Fords on show will also have a shot of some of the many prizes on the day, including the big people’s choice award and the overall best, judged by Andrew and Graeme Ford from Hansen Ford Mareeba.
“It’s a big free car show and we are excited to be back with a bang and hope there will be lots of cars there,” she said.
“It’s free entry (to show cars), so long as everyone is there between 7am and 9am to get their cars in the yard before we open to the public at 9am.
“It is a really good social event. People can come out and see their friends and talk about what cars they like.”
Mareeba Cricket Club will be onsite hosting a sausage sizzle to raise money for their club, while Ulysses coffee van will be there for all things beverages.
A small donation of any kind will also be accepted by the All Ford Club to help go towards the people’s choice trophy.
Ms Saunders encourages anyone and everyone to come along for the day and enjoy all things Ford.
“Come have a look, you might get some ideas on what to do with your car,” she said.
The All Ford Day will kick off this Saturday 30 September from 9am to 1pm at 279 Byrnes Street, Mareeba.