
Community & Business

2 February, 2024

Fox graduates with first-class honours

A FORMER Mareeba man has proved just because you start university late and are from a small country town doesn’t mean you can’t do amazing things after he graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (Medical) with first-class honours recently.

Former Mareeba man Sean Fox has graduated from QUT with first-class honours.
Former Mareeba man Sean Fox has graduated from QUT with first-class honours.

Sean Fox, who now lives in Brisbane, began studying at Queensland University of Technology (QUT) when he was 28 years old after completing a trade in the army. 

When he found out he had graduated with honours, he was so excited that the first thing he did was call his dad and wife. 

“It was overwhelming, I was at work and there was a lot of yelling and then I ran outside to call my wife and my dad,” he said. 

His fascination for the human body inspired him to leap of faith into the academic field, where he quickly excelled. 

“I’m fascinated by the complexity of the human body and the technology we use to improve quality of life,” he said.

“As a medical engineer, I get to be part of a team that designs and develops this technology using CAD software and 3D printers.”

Throughout his time in university, he learned many lessons in the classroom and outside the classroom. 

He said he would take those lessons forward with him as he continued his career as a medical engineer.

“Work smarter, not harder is a great motto (I followed), but sometimes the only solution is a lot of hard work and perseverance,” he said. 

“Also, if you want to make friends, make a cake; everyone loves cake.”


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