
Community & Business

1 March, 2024

Gambling funds benefit groups

MAREEBA RSL’s new home will be upgraded and a local performing arts group can now take their facility to the next level, thanks to thousands of dollars in grants awarded through the Gambling Community Benefit Fund.

The Mareeba International Club received a grant for $21,867 to upgrade painting, install a glass washer system and compressor.
The Mareeba International Club received a grant for $21,867 to upgrade painting, install a glass washer system and compressor.

A number of groups within the region are among 634 State-wide, receiving a share of $16 million under the 118th round of the fund.

Atherton Performing Arts will get a funding boost of $25,000 to purchase a stage projector system.

President Jacqui Stephens said the grant would add extra versatility to the group.

The club has tried many different grant avenues but the Gambling Community Benefit Fund had now come to their aid.

“With set design, it will make it a great deal easier. We will be able to use images, not just paint,” Ms Stephens said.

“It will hugely enhance being able to better project images. It will mean it will make showing any movies or films easier for the group as well.”

While Ms Stephens said they had a good idea about the projector they want to purchase, further consultation would be done to make sure they were “getting the right one”.

She said it opened the doors to artists combining and getting involved with backdrops to make shows more sophisticated.

It could also open the door to more theatre performances stopping by and hiring the facility to put on their shows.

Mareeba’s RSL sub-branch committee will use the $20,366 they have been awarded to repair the heritage-listed building the organisation now resides in, install internet infrastructure, signage and purchase flagpoles.

Mareeba RSL secretary Cheryl Emmerson said they were “very excited” to have received the funding.

“Most of it is going towards the restoration of the heritage listed church,” she said.

The group had been operating without any internet since they moved into the new building and installing infrastructure would make it much easier to conduct business.

“Signwriting will go up so everyone knows where the RSL is. This is the fifth grant we have received since 2023. I have been very active in applying for grants,” Cheryl said.

“We were left with nothing once we left the old building.”

While they have many projects in the pipeline, Cheryl said this funding would continue to help the group moving forward.

Mareeba International Club will use its funding of $21,867 to upgrade painting, install a glass washer system and compressor.

President Kristen Mete said the funding meant the club could commence some smaller projects to help with the overall plan of revamping the club.

“It is the only facility in the township of its size and the committee want it to be a place for families to go and locals to utilise,” Kristen said.

“We have a five-year plan and this money is going to help achieve the overall picture.”

The next project for the club’s committee is to completely replace the roof and install solar.

Other groups to receive money from the gambling fund include Julatten and Mount Molloy Association of Ratepayers and Residents Incorporated who were allocated $35,000 to buy a mower and trailer.

In Malanda, the Bridge Club Inc will put funding towards the purchase of a scoring system ($4425) and Millaa Millaa Golf Club will use its funding of $34,000 to purchase a tractor.

Round 120 is now open for applications. Groups can apply for up to $35,000 in funding by going to  


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