

19 July, 2022

Golfers battle it out at ambrose

GLOOMY weather did little to deter a cohort of hardened Millaa Millaa golfers as they competed in a 3 Ball Medley Ambrose competition on Sunday, sponsored by BCF Innisfail.

Golfers battle it out at ambrose - feature photo

As usual on the BCF day, golfers turned in some great scores with teams knowing they would need to be sub-sixty to have a chance as at the goody pile. 

The top team finished with a nett of 56 1/6 strokes was comprised of Shane Soper, David Welch and Kelvin Groves, only 2/6 of a stroke behind them was Paul Foster, Geoff Errey and Kelvin Brooks. 

Only two strokes from them was the team of Alan Hapgood, Shane Bradley and Ash Healy and following them under 60 was Warwick Howarth, Grant Miller and Wayne Crowley. 

The only team over 60 was Bruce Hunter, Don McHardie and Ross Ellen who finished with 60 2/6 strokes so the predictions of sub-sixty to be a winner were accurate. 

The generosity of the sponsor extended to the nearest to the pins, with the winners being Alan Hapgood, Ash Healy and Shane Bradley with 1/10, the team of Grant Miller, Warwick Howarth and Wayne Crowley were nearest on 5/14. 

Today the second shot nearest was on 9/18 and this was won by todays overall winners Kelvin, David and Shane, well done to all who played today.


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