
Community & Business

23 March, 2023

Groups benefit from fundraising night

A FUN Night out at the theatre has translated into three organisations getting a funding boost from the Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands.

Kairos Prison Ministry Aust Joan Comino, Tablelands Sexual Assault Service representa-tive Tracy, Inner Wheel’s Gill Birch, Access Place coordinator Heather Johnson, and Access Place Chairman John Whyte
Kairos Prison Ministry Aust Joan Comino, Tablelands Sexual Assault Service representa-tive Tracy, Inner Wheel’s Gill Birch, Access Place coordinator Heather Johnson, and Access Place Chairman John Whyte

The local group is part of the international Inner Wheel women’s service organisation and has been donating money to charities for the past seven years.

The money usually comes from several fundraising events throughout the year, and this time, it was raised at a preview night for the Malanda Theatre Group’s performance of “Mamma Mia”.

Benefiting to the tune of $1000 each from the theatre night were the following groups:

Access Place – a “one stop shop” that offers a multi-disciplinary service to people aged 16 and over experiencing homelessness and who have additional needs.

Tablelands Sexual Assault – provides no cost specialist sexual assault counselling to all children, young people, and non-offending women and men before during and/or after sexual harm event or concern with a strong focus on prevention.

Kairos – A Kairos Outside weekend gives women the opportunity to meet, listen to and talk with women who have struggled with similar issues resulting from having a relative or friend in prison. There is an open and supportive environment and the freedom to be themselves. The weekend helps the women build self-esteem so that they can feel worthy again.

Inner Wheel Club of FNQ Tablelands meets on the second Tuesday of the month at the Atherton International Club at 11.30am


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