
Community & Business

7 June, 2024

Have your say on local natural disaster issues

LOCALS who have something to say about the way authorities handled the extreme flooding during the wet season and bushfires last year are being strongly urged to give feedback to a State inquiry.

Have your say on local natural disaster issues - feature photo

The Office of the Inspector General Emergency Management (IGEM) is conducting a review of the significant weather events during the 2023-24 season and submissions are being welcomed from individuals, organisations, groups and businesses.

Tablelands Mayor Rod Marti is hoping locals will take up the opportunity, with a view to improving the way that the community is prepared for natural disasters and how authorities respond.

“In our region these events include the Silver Valley bushfires, Cyclone Jasper and the subsequent flooding,” he said.

“The review will identify enhancements to inform and ensure continuous improvement so it’s important we provide our feedback, suggestions and experiences.

“This is our chance to contribute to improvements in disaster preparedness, response and recovery by sharing what we know and what we’ve experienced.”

“The Office of the IGEM wants to hear stories and experiences from anyone who wishes to contribute to gain a deeper appreciation and understanding of the full impact of weather events between 1 October 2023 and 30 April 2024 to help inform enhancements to our state’s disaster management systems,” a report to council stated.

More than one submission can be provided by a person or group, particularly if more than one event has been experienced.

To help feed into the review, TRC has provided an online survey at which will be open until 9 June.

“Whilst residents, businesses and community group should be encouraged to submit their own review, it is recognised that many may choose not to respond directly to the review, for a variety of reasons,” the report stated.

“To overcome this challenge and ensure our community is heard, it is recommended that TRC liaise directly with those residents, businesses and community groups that were affected to engage them in the review process to encourage, and where required, support those affected to make a submission. 

“Additionally, TRC has developed a survey aimed at capturing community perspectives that can inform and/or add further weight to our submission.”

Public submissions can be a statement in the form of an email, a word document, PDF, handwritten letter, interview or video and must be lodged to by Friday 30 August. 

IGEM’s review timeline indicates a draft report will be available by the end of July with the final report made available to the Minister for Police and Community Safety by 29 September.

Stories of Jasper video released online 

To shed light on the profound impact of tropical Cyclone Jasper and the associated flooding on our community and individuals, Mareeba Shire Council has launch of a new video series titled ‘Stories of Jasper’. View the video online at


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