
Community & Business

9 October, 2022

Host of activities to celebrate seniors

SENIORS across the region can enjoy some special activities during October to mark Seniors Month.

Host of activities to celebrate seniors - feature photo

Mareeba Shire will celebrate Seniors Month with a free morning tea at the Mareeba International Club on 14 October, starting at 10am.

The event will feature free entertainment and lucky door prizes. To book, call 4086 4950.

Tablelands Regional Council celebrated Seniors’ Month with a free Ageing Well Expo on Thursday and with other regional events throughout the next few weeks.

“The ‘social connections’ theme is continuing from last year and people of all ages, cultures and abilities can connect and celebrate the important and essential roles older people play in our community,” Deputy Mayor Cr Kevin Cardew said.

“The Ageing Well Expo is a great opportunity to hear from a range of experts including guest speakers from FNQ Health and Fitness, and Atherton Home Assist.

“The celebrations don’t stop there - throughout October there will be regional and regular free events and activities so be sure you don’t miss out,” Cr Cardew said.

Other events during the month include Tai Chi at the Atherton Library every Tuesday from 8.30am-9.30am; Bingo at Yungaburra Hotel every Wednesday from 9am until 12 noon ($2 for morning tea); a local family history session at Atherton Library on 6 October (book on 4089 2247); and the Malanda Mental Health and Volunteer Event to be held on 11 October from 2pm-5pm at ECHO Neighbourhood House.

In addition, seniors can participate in a free Android tablet and smartphone course at Atherton Library which goes over four weeks, starting on Tuesday 11 October at 9.30am. To book, call 4089 2247.

At Tolga Community Centre, seniors can have a go at Zumba, with a special session at 9am on 14 October to come and try, with a light morning tea included. Call Ann on 0418 826 168 to book.

If technology is a challenge, seniors can also attend any one of three Tech Help Drop-In sessions at 11.30am on Tuesdays at Herberton Library or at 2.30pm on Tues-days at Atherton Library, or at 3pm on Thursdays at the Ravenshoe Library.


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