Community & Business
23 January, 2024
Hub helping flood victims
FOR the past few weeks, a building in Walsh Street has been a hive of activity as volunteers from Far North Crime Stoppers receive, sort and distribute donations of clothes, kitchenware, toys, cleaning products and linen to the victims of December’s flooding event.
Between Christmas and New Year, the group opened a hub in the RSL Hall beside Kmart to be the central place donations for the flood relief in the Mareeba area.
As well as running the hub, the Crime Stoppers team put together hampers which are being delivered to the most flood-affected residents.
Hampers include non perishable food, personal hygiene products, linen and cleaning products.
Crimestoppers committee member Norma Maloney the group could not have offered the help without the assistance of many local businesses.
“There have been many generous businesses that have already come on board and donated either items for the hampers or given a monetary amount to assist in the purchase of items,” she said.
“One of those businesses is Claude Cater Mensland which, with Just Country, donated 50 Ariat cooler bags.
“Other businesses include Mareeba Leagues Club, Fresh St IGA Atherton, Woolworths Atherton, Dimbulah Pharmacy and the Mareeba Lions Club to name a few.”
On Saturday, the group held a garage sale at the hall to sell surplus items not needed for the hampers, with all proceeds going into the flood relief fund for the hampers.
If anyone would like to donate or wish to offer their assistance with the hampers, please contact Norma Moloney on 0417 541 126.