
Community & Business

22 May, 2024

Jacqui named finalist in state award

LOCAl mortgage broker Jacqui Webb is up against some of Queensland’s best as a finalist in the Mortgage and Financial Association of Australia’s Regional Finance Broker Awards.

Jacqui Webb is up for a state excellence broker award.
Jacqui Webb is up for a state excellence broker award.

Starting Ignite Financial in 2019, Jacqui was shocked to be named a finalist.

“I have built a business which prioritises the well-being of my team, and the enduring loyalty of our clients. This contrasts with common industry practices which, unfortunately, value transactional success at the cost of long-term client relationships and employee welfare.”

Concerned about the longevity of many women in the industry, Jacqui is on a mission to prove that mortgage broking can be a rewarding career where work-life balance is achievable.

“Far too many women in the industry are moments away from burnout as they push to establish themselves and to grow successful businesses. I’m here to push back against this trend,” she said.

“I would love to see more women considering this career, particularly school leavers who are considering whether to stay in the region or leave us.”

The State Excellence Awards will be held on 23 May and, if Jacqui takes out the Queensland Award, she will become a finalist in the National Awards. The MFAA Awards recognise brokers who are growing sustainable businesses by building long-term client relationships, and by focusing on continual improvement. 

“I am absolutely delighted to have made it to the State finals and anything beyond this point is a bonus. I am also looking forward to celebrating Ignite Financial’s 5th Birthday in June 2024.”


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