
Community & Business

9 December, 2023

Jordana off to national STEM forum

A PASSIONATE science student from Mareeba State High School will be travelling to Brisbane next year to participate in the National Youth Science Forum (NYSF) Year 12 Program.

Mareeba State High School student and young Rotarian Jordana Giacometti will be heading to St Lucia next year for the National Youth Science Forum program.
Mareeba State High School student and young Rotarian Jordana Giacometti will be heading to St Lucia next year for the National Youth Science Forum program.

Jordana Giacometti has excelled in her STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) subjects all throughout Grade 11 this year and was given the opportunity to be a part of the NYSF by her teachers and Mareeba Rotary.

“(Teacher) Ms Simonato got an email about it and approached me about it, and she was like ‘I thought of you, Jordy’ and told me to have a look,” she said. 

“The application asked me all about my life and why I wanted to be a part of the forum. When I submitted it, I was very nervous, and they sent me to Cairns to be selected.”

Going to Cairns alongside four other peers from Mareeba, Jordana had to participate in a variety of STEM-related activities, showcasing particularly her problem-solving skills.

Impressed by her performance, she was elected to go to St Lucia in Canberra on 5 January alongside students from across the country interested in pursuing a career in STEM. 

In the lead-up to the big event, Jordana is feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness but is keen to see where this opportunity may take her as she starts her final year of high school.

 “When I found out about it, I was pretty happy, and I think it is going to be fun,” she said.

 “Most of my friends have been to St Lucia before, so it will be good to see it and explore what it is about while also figuring out if science is what I want to do in life.”


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