
General News

17 May, 2024

KAP names new Cook candidate

WITH 34 years in the police force, Duane Amos reckons he has what it takes to represent Cook at a State level and is ready to contest the October election for Katter’s Australian Party.

KAP Leader Robbie Katter with Cook candidate Duane Amos.
KAP Leader Robbie Katter with Cook candidate Duane Amos.

A decorated police officer who has been tasked with complex operations such as leading the community recovery response after a major disaster, Mr Amos also has shown he has business acumen and extensive on-the-ground experience in dealing with youth crime and assisting to develop successful programs like “Think Smart, Drink Smart”.

He says he has “a tiger in his tank” and speaks with great passion about what needs to be changed to stop the “neglect” Cook has experienced under Labor’s Cynthia Lui who has been the member now for two terms.

“I’m not your standard politician, I don’t sanitise what I say and I come from a grass roots level so I know what needs to be done,” he said.

“The people I talk to are sick and tired of being forgotten about by Brisbane, and many wouldn’t know who their representative is!

“I am excited about the opportunity to bring real Far North Queensland ideas and solutions to the parliament - solutions that I have watched the KAP strongly advocate for, for many years.

“During my many years in First Australian Communities, and right throughout the Cape, I have found myself cheering on the KAP in their pursuit of Relocation Sentencing for juvenile crime to get kids back to country, calling out the Brisbane-caused cost of living crisis, and strong resilient rural communities.

“I am honoured to be successful in being endorsed as the KAP’s candidate for Cook – to give the people of the Cape a real alternative to so-called locals who are really just puppets directed from Brisbane.”

Mr Amos has already indicated that upgrading the Mareeba Hospital, getting real action on the Mareeba Bypass and pushing ahead with an alternative to the Kuranda Range Road as well as major upgrades to the Peninsula Development Road are among his top priorities.

Born in North Queensland, the Far North has been in “Mossy’s” blood throughout his many endeavours. 

From an operational member of the Royal Australian Air Force, starting his own agricultural small business, to a decorated policing career, Mr Amos has the runs on the board when it comes to understanding and knowing the Cook electorate.

His policing career has seen him serve in Cairns, Innisfail, Weipa, Kowanyama, and most recently Aurukun.  Appointed in January 2020, Mr Amos served as the Director General’s Senior Officer, leading the Community Recovery Response in Cairns and Aurukun.

After Cyclone Larry in 2006, during which his family home was damaged, Mr Amos led the Community Recovery Response.

KAP Leader Robbie Katter said Mr Amos’ dedication to his community, and passion was second to none. 

“Duane is the type who just rolls up his sleeves and gets it done.  Be it recovery from a natural disaster or hooking in and understanding just what needs doing in our First Australian Communities, ‘Mossy’ gets it done,” he said.

“I was not surprised when I first heard that Duane is a National Police Service Medal recipient, National Emergency Medal recipient, as well as a recipient of the Australian Crime and Violence Protection Award for ‘Achieving through adversity – Policing Indigenous Youth’, and they’re only the headlines.

“When I go to Brisbane and hear the current Brisbane party members for North Queensland trotting out their HQ directed talking points, it makes my skin crawl.

“The people of Cook are ready, and they deserve better! They deserve a real advocate for local issues – not the issues that Brisbane HQ determine are the flavour of the month.” 


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