

14 June, 2023

Kids get chance to create superheroes

Local kids will get a great opportunity to get involved in free hands-on art activities during the June school holidays.

Kids get chance to create superheroes - feature photo

Local kids will get a great opportunity to get involved in free hands-on art activities during the June school holidays, thanks to Tablelands Regional Council. 

Keep the kids occupied these school holidays with exciting and free hands-on art activities at the “Superpowered On Tour”, which has been developed by First Nations Australian artists in collaboration with Queensland Art Gallery – Gallery of Modern (QAGOMA), at Tableland Regional Gallery from 24 June to 8 July. 

“Children up to 12 years can take part in fun and interactive projects that focus on strong and empowering messages and humour, including making superhero collages, creating power icon props, and fashioning costumes and masks,” Cr Peter Hodge explained. 

The artists – Kaylene Whiskey (Yankunytjatjara People), Tony Albert (Girramay/Yidinyji/ Kuku Yalanji Peoples), Gordon Hookey (Waanyi People) and Vincent Namatjira (Western Aranda People) — use their voices and their art to empower Aboriginal people and create inspirational imagery for all children. 

QAGOMA director Chris Saines said the artists had created interactives that invited young audiences into a world full of amusing and courageous characters. 

“The program is being presented in more than 180 art galleries, libraries and schools across remote and regional Queensland,” he said. 

Tony Albert often works closely with other artists, communities and organisations, and believes that one of the best ways to learn from and connect with people is to live and work together. 

“My activity for ‘Superpowered On Tour’ is Warakurna Warriors and it invites children to create their own superhero identity,” he said. 

“They design their own costume using a template and trace a selection of outfits adding details and colour. 

“This activity was inspired by my photographic series ‘Warakurna Superheroes 2017’, which was made in collaboration with children from Warakurna in Western Australia.” 

Superpowered On Tour activities are on at the Tableland Regional Gallery from Saturday 24 June until Saturday 8 July. The gallery is also hosting the Waniju Bulumba exhibition, created by local indigenous artist Dan Joseph.  


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