
Community & Business

15 February, 2024

Last days to have your say!

SHOULD an alternative road from the Tablelands to the coast be urgently pursued?  Do you feel safe walking our streets? How would you rate your local council? These and many more questions are waiting to be answered in The Express Yourself Community Survey.

Last days to have your say! - feature photo

We have taken the decision to run this first-ever survey in a year when both Local Government and State Government will go to the polls – we want to make sure they know how our communities feel about issues such as roads, health services and crime and that we deserve better.

This is your chance to have your say about things that matter to you.

We will take your answers and make sure we use them to hold our councils and our politicians to account.

There are only a few days left to get your survey completed which can be done online at or click on the QR code on the front page.

For those who don’t want to do the survey digitally, turn to Page 19 and do it today! You can send it to The Express, 186 Byrnes Street Mareeba 4880, or drop into our office at that address. You can also drop them into Arabella Jewellers in the Atherton Square shopping centre.

The survey closes at 5pm on 16 February.


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