
Community & Business

26 October, 2023

Little artist honours medical hero

In a heartwarming display of appreciation and artistic talent, nine-year-old Noah Merlin Cuda from Malanda State School has received a prestigious award for his latest masterpiece,  “Saving Lives No 2”.

A Malanda boy has gone above and beyond in his artistic talents, being the youngest in his age category to receive a Highly Commended in the Brisbane Portrait Prize.
A Malanda boy has gone above and beyond in his artistic talents, being the youngest in his age category to receive a Highly Commended in the Brisbane Portrait Prize.

The subject of the painting is Dr Lindy Jeffree, a neurosurgeon who performed four life-changing brain surgeries on Noah's father.

The piece he painted all by himself has earned him a Highly Commended award in the Brisbane Portrait Prize.

He is also the youngest in the under-18 category to receive this award.

“I am proud of the portrait as I was awarded person to receive Highly Commended in the Brisbane Portrait Prize, for next generation, under-18s,” he said.

“I am the youngest and received Highly Commended in 2020 as well, being only six years old at the time.”

Noah will now be focusing on more portraits, looking for “something that inspires me” to create his next masterpiece. 


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