
Community & Business

25 March, 2022

Locals sought for input into future health

FUTURE health services and facilities for the Tablelands region will be guided by a review being undertaken by Queensland Health, and locals are being urged to take the opportunity to tell the organisation what they really need.

Photo | Dreamstime
Photo | Dreamstime

Information gathered by the Local Area Needs Assessment (LANA) identifies areas where health services can be improved and this feeds into the region’s Clinical Services Plan which outlines achievable priorities and actions to meet those needs into the future. 

“This assessment will help us determine the community’s health priorities, how to better use resources, and plan programs or activities that support the health of our community,” CHHS acting chief executive Steve Hacker said. 

“We last carried out a major review of our health services about five years ago to develop our Clinical Services Plan. Through that process, we were able to identify a need for new services such as expanded cardiac services at Cairns Hospital; and expanded dialysis facilities, chemotherapy and endoscopy in our rural areas. 

“With our population having grown significantly in the past decade, we are hoping the LANA can help provide insight into disease trends, workforce needs, effectiveness of current service delivery models and opportunities for improvement, co-ordination and linkages between services, and barriers to access. 

“We want to hear about the health issues and concerns that matter most to people in our region.” 

During the next few weeks, in-person and virtual workshops are being held in key locations across the region, which are all open to the public to join. 

Mareeba Hospital will host drop-in sessions today (23 March) at 11am and 5pm, with data presentations and discussion sessions at 10am and 4pm. 

The same times and sessions will be held in the Atherton hospital conference room on 28 March and at Mossman Bowls Club on 31 March. 

All residents are also being encouraged to do the five-minute survey by going to “We have tried to make our LANA as accessible as possible so everyone can be involved,” Mr Thacker said. 

“The more people who have their say on our local health services, the more we can understand our region’s health service and community needs. 

“The outcomes of the assessment will help guide local decision making and form the basis of our Health Service’s plans.”


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