
Community & Business

12 October, 2023

Love birds release memoir

IN a stunning revelation of a life devoted to the wonders of nature and the bonds of love, renowned biologists Cliff Frith PhD OAM and Dawn Frith PhD OAM share their captivating journey in a memoir, A Wild Romance: 50 Years Studying and Photographing Animals Around the World.

Cliff and Dawn Frith have released their memoir, telling the story of their love for the wilderness and each other.
Cliff and Dawn Frith have released their memoir, telling the story of their love for the wilderness and each other.

The book, a reflection of their dedicated research and shared adventures, transports readers into the heart of the wilderness they so intimately explored.

The Frith’s lifelong passion for studying bird life in the dense rainforests provides a unique glimpse into their 50 years of love and partnership.

Their dedication to conservation was also recognised in 2021, when they both received a joint OAM.

The memoir traces their initial meeting on Aldabra Atoll, a remote paradise 400km northwest of Madagascar, where their journey began. 

The couple's academic and personal lives, filled with scientific discoveries, global travels, and a deep love for wildlife, are depicted throughout each chapter. 

However, interwoven within their remarkable journey is the painful and poignant battle against Alzheimer's Disease, which Dawn now has to face.

“We wanted to share our experiences, our love for each other, and our profound connection with the wild,” Cliff said.

“Our hope is that readers will not only immerse themselves in the wilderness we describe but also gain a deeper understanding of the beauty and fragility of life.”

The narrative, organised in chronological order, provides a seamless blend of scientific insight and personal reflection augmented by vivid illustrations and photographs, capturing the beauty of places they explored and animals they encountered.

The book is now available from all local bookstores, including Collins Smithfield, Cairns Books Cairns Central, Whileaway Port Douglas, Atherton Books, and Greenhouse Enviro Shop.


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