
Community & Business

30 November, 2022

Love of Christmas trees

ALL 600 trees available at the Atherton Christmas Tree Farm have been snatched up this year, with the property experiencing an influx of Christmas lovers coming through their doors.

Atherton Christmas Tree Farm owner Juana Adoberg was not expecting the huge influx of customers during their tagging day
Atherton Christmas Tree Farm owner Juana Adoberg was not expecting the huge influx of customers during their tagging day

During the farm’s annual tagging day, majority of the trees were sold out with one of the biggest line-ups they have seen since starting the business.

Owners Juana and Alex Ado-berg were beyond shocked by the demand and Ms Adoberg said it would have been one of their biggest years if they had more trees.

“We have about 10,000 trees at any time, from seedlings to full grown and this year we only

had around 600 trees available,” she said.

“Usually, we have around 2000 but due to unfavourable growing conditions over the past two years along with de-mand increase during Covid, it is taking us a couple of years to catch up.

“We are usually very busy on our first weekend, but we were not expecting that kind of line at that time of the morning definitely surpassed our expec-tations and we were definitely blown away.”

Although there are very lim-ited trees left, the farm will re-main open until 23 December


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