
Community & Business

25 October, 2023

Mareeba bodybuilding queen takes home top prizes

PUSHING herself and her body to the limits to come out on top, local bodybuilder and trainer Annette Price, clinched wins in all her categories at the ICN Championships and ANB championships in Townsville.

By Ellie Fink

"I couldn't have done it without them" - Annette Price with her support team who helped her through every high and low during competition preparation.
"I couldn't have done it without them" - Annette Price with her support team who helped her through every high and low during competition preparation.

During the ICN championship, Price brought her all onto the stage, coming first in the figure under 45 years, figure international short, figure open, best female figure posing and overall figure champion.

Only a few weeks later, she did it again at the ANB championship, coming home with a win for the short division category and under 35s division and came second in the open division against every winner from each age group. 

Price's success at the respective championships was the culmination of 18 months of gruelling preparation. 

Her tireless training regimen, dedication to nutrition, and mental resilience propelled her to peak performance on the competition stage. 

“I mean, if I can do it, anyone can do it,” she said. 

“It took me 18 months of bulking and cutting in total to get on stage. It’s a lot of sacrifice you know, missing birthday parties, barbeques, camping, holidays.

“It’s a very selfish sport, but when you have a good support network around you, it makes it so much easier.”

With her husband, children and her training team at Furious Fitness Mareeba by her side, Price felt unstoppable and was grateful for their continuous encouragement and flexibility around her strict preparation. 

“I couldn’t have done it without them” - Annette Price with her support team who helped her through every high and low during competition preparation.
"I couldn't have done it without them" - Annette Price with her support team who helped her through every high and low during competition preparation.

The most challenging part of her training was cutting, continuously being knocked with cravings of salty, crunchy food.

Thanks to her family, nutritionist and coach, she could pull through despite the cravings and mood swings that came with it and look towards the big picture, which she said was worth every second. 

“That’s why it is really important to have those coaches around you to help you prepare,” she said.

One of the biggest bumps in the road during Price’s journey was losing her grandmother only three days before the ANB Championships.

Almost ready to throw down the towel and give up, Price pushed through, put her head up, channelled her grief into her performance and proved what a true champion could do.

She said she couldn’t have done it without her coach's support.

“It was hard but thank Christ for the hubby and the kids and the crew here (at the gym) who were like ‘you can do it’ and didn’t want that prep to go to waste,” she said. 

“I am so grateful for that support around me.” 

Now taking a quick break to relax, Price will be looking another competition at the beginning of next year, but after that will be taking 18 months off to bulk up, relax and enjoy salty, crunchy food with her family. 


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