
Community & Business

15 November, 2023

Mareeba kids star in new Woolies commercial

THREE Mareeba kids transformed into mangoes recently to be a part of Woolworth’s 2023 Christmas commercial.

DANCING MANGOES: Lacey Taylor, Jai’kyous Koolatah and Gia Smith starred in the 2023 Woolworth’s Christmas commercial as local mangoes this year. BELOW: The kids dressed as mangoes for a day to star in Woolworth’s Christmas commercial.
DANCING MANGOES: Lacey Taylor, Jai’kyous Koolatah and Gia Smith starred in the 2023 Woolworth’s Christmas commercial as local mangoes this year. BELOW: The kids dressed as mangoes for a day to star in Woolworth’s Christmas commercial.

An Australia-wide casting call was put out last school holidays for kids from diverse backgrounds to be a part of the commercial.


Mareeba Academy of Dance (MAD) students Lacey Taylor and Gia Smith, along with their friend Jai’kyous Koolatah, were selected among thousands of auditions to play mangoes on the Kuranda train. 

MAD principal Regan Smith said she got the call from a casting agent in Sydney and knew this would be the perfect opportunity for her dancers and her friends. 

“It was such a bizarre experience, and it was so interesting not knowing what was going to happen,” she said.

“At the start, we only knew it was a Woolies commercial and it would involve mangoes. We had no idea they would become the giant mangoes.

“Now they can’t believe they are actually on TV. The guy who directed the commercial actually directed The Greatest Showman as well so it was overall a real once in a life time experience for them.”

The commercial can be watched at 


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