19 October, 2022
Master marksman sets sights on world stage
ATHERTON master marksman Grace Grandcourt has achieved national acclaim for the second time after she won the super junior IPSC National Title in Darwin, giving her another chance to shoot on the world stage.

After winning her first national competition last year, Grace was unfortunately unable to compete in the 2021 IPSC World Shooting Competition due to Covid.
This year the 16-year-old will have the honour of donning the green and gold and flying over to Thailand in November to compete in the world titles, which will gather 1,600 competitors from 50 countries.
Grace said the recent competition was difficult and challenged her on a new level she had not experienced before.
“It was tough competition but that made me stretch myself and shoot harder,” she said.
The International Practical Shooting Confederation (ISPC) is the world’s largest growing shooting sport and takes a practical approach to shooting.
Competitors are given a course to run through, shooting multiple targets – moving and unmoving – whilst navigating cover.
Grace has only been shooting for less than five years but has already established herself as a master marksman, winning in her own age divisions, moving higher and winning again.
Getting her second chance to step onto the world stage, Grace felt incredibly honoured and excited in achieving one of her goals.
“I am representing Australia in ladies and competing against adult females even though I have just turned 16-years-old, It has always been a goal of mine and to see it unfold is very exciting,” she said.
“I am excited to meet new people and learn heaps – not sure how I will go as I haven’t competed against these people before.
“Eventually one day, I hope to complete at the Olympics and be the best lady in the world."