
Community & Business

6 October, 2022

Minister last hope to stop wind farm

FEDERAL Environment Minister Tanya Plibersek’s intelligence and knowledge of bird species likely to be affected by the Chalumbin wind farm should present enough common sense to block the 94-turbine project, Member for Kennedy Bob Katter says.

Minister last hope to stop wind farm - feature photo

Mr Katter received a briefing from Ms Plibersek who advised she was still “considering her position” on the project awaiting her approval.

“I was impressed with Ms Plibersek’s knowledge of the project – the environment and the bird species which would be affected,” he said.

“She had certainly done her home-work and due diligence.

“So, with the understanding that she is well aware of the threats this wind farm would pose, I believe the evidence would be extremely hard for the Minister to ignore.

“And I ask the Minister, that at the very least, delay the decision until the proper consultation has been done with the community. The previous Minister for Environment agreed to come up and the current minister should do the same.”

Mr Katter said he was on the side of passionate locals in protesting the almost 35km “bird-killing” wall of turbines. He said dense rainforest regions were no place for a windfarm, particularly one that provided little benefit in comparison to coal.

“A windfarm generates for around $100 a megawatt hour, versus existing coal-fired at $20 a megawatt hour,” he said.

However, he also proposed an alternative, more suitable location for a wind farm.

“There is nothing more sensible than the proposal in Hughenden, which is at super high altitude with negligible birdlife and serious wind availability. But you’re not doing it in forest country,” Mr Katter said. 


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