

11 July, 2022

Myles brings home gold

MAREEBA gymnast Myles Dobbs Brown has returned home with gold around his neck after representing Queensland at the Border Challenge at Coloundra.

Myles Dobbs Brown has returned home representing his small town and Queensland at the Border Challenge last weekend with gold.
Myles Dobbs Brown has returned home representing his small town and Queensland at the Border Challenge last weekend with gold.

The exclusive Level 6 and 7 optional competition allowed gymnasts from across the country to come together and compete against each other. 

Throughout his time at the Border Challenge, Myles pushed himself to the limits and competed harder then ever before. 

While the whole team scored gold, Myles himself took home third place for rings, an apparatus he has been training particularly hard in. 

He said he enjoyed the whole experience and has returned home with new ideas to develop his routines in the future. 

“The border team challenge was amazing – everyone was very supportive of each other, and the atmosphere was really great,” he said.

“I did see a lot of new skills that other gymnasts where competing which made me want to develop my routines further. 

“The team event went very well and Queensland won.” 

Now that Myles has returned home, he will continue to train at the Mareeba Gymnastic Club in Level 6 Optional and extend on his routines for the next competition.


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