Community & Business
21 January, 2025
National poll backs Australia Day date
A NATIONAL poll has shown that 69% of Australians want 26 January to remain as our national day of celebration.

The poll of 1,002 Australians was undertaken by marketing research firm Dynata.
“This year’s poll results show that following the divisive Voice to Parliament referendum, as well as the Woolworths saga, mainstream Australian no longer fear the elites, and are now not afraid to loudly speak up for our country and our shared values,” Institute of Public Affairs deputy executive director Daniel Wild said.
“Uniting around our national day and our national flag reminds Australians that there is far more that unites us than divides us. This is vital if we are to regain our sense of community.”
The poll also found that 86% of respondents were proud to be an Australian, and 68% said Australia had a history to be proud of.
“In the recent past, every January, Australians have needed to endure the hand-wringing and navel-gazing of the self-appointed thought leaders and elites demanding we think of the reasons to be ashamed of Australia. No more,” Mr Wild said.
“It is clear that mainstream Australians have had a gutful of this attitude and being put upon by the elites. They know Australia is the greatest nation on earth, that our way of life and freedoms are the envy of the world, and that they must be cherished and celebrated.”
Encouraging, the poll showed a jump in support for Australia Day to be celebrated on 26 January from 18-24-year-olds, up 10% to 52%.
“It should give the entire community great hope that despite relentless indoctrination taking place at schools and universities, young Australians are growing in civic pride. This should be encouraged and celebrated,” Mr Wild said.