Community & Business
4 July, 2023
New centre for town
IRVINEBANK now has its own community centre, enabling the small town to now host activities to benefit residents of all ages.

IRVINEBANK now has its own community centre, enabling the small town to now host activities to benefit residents of all ages.
The Community Environmental Centre has been established in one of the historic mining cottages by the Irvinebank School of Arts and Progress Association. with funds raised by the community or donations.
Centre coordinator Di Delaney said the centre would act as a local meeting place, arts and crafts centre, op shop, project discussion location and a general gathering place within the community for just a chat or coffee together.
“We are presently looking at grants and different programs that we may be able to source funding through to put on activities – whether that’s zumba or craft sessions,” she said.
Ms Delaney extended thanks to the many locals that helped with the painting, cleaning, beautifying and establishment of the centre.
Mareeba Mayor Angela Toppin and Member for Hill Shane Knuth attended the official opening on Sunday.