

19 May, 2023

New exhibition showcases therapy paintings

A LOCAL man, who uses art as a form of therapy has opened his first exhibition showcasing his love for floristry, nature, and vibrant colours at the Mareeba Arts Society.

New exhibition showcases therapy paintings - feature photo

Michael Sandall-Vear believes that art is one of the best forms of therapy, having taken up the hobby during some of his most difficult times.

With a background in nursing and floristry, the impact of mental health was almost paralysing for Mr Sandall-Vear, but he found great solace in art.

Now, with over 100 paintings to his name, his work is being displayed across the walls of the Mareeba Art Society.

“I am incredibly excited and just can't believe how well everything has come together. The ladies (members of the art society) have been fantastic in putting all my paintings up," he said.

“When I look at the exhibition, I think, 'wow, I can't believe I've painted all of this.' From the different seascapes to flowers, I like to say that I've grown them with my paintbrush.”

Mr Sandall-Vear's artwork will be on display for the rest of May at the society’s premises located adjacent to the 100 Park and Mareeba Heritage Centre


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