
Community & Business

21 December, 2022

New guards prison ready

SIXTEEN new correctional officers have been recruited to Lotus Glen Correctional Facility after recently graduating from their 10-week course.

The 16 graduate correctional officers who will start their new roles at Lotus Glen Correctional Facility
The 16 graduate correctional officers who will start their new roles at Lotus Glen Correctional Facility

Justin Ihle, Andrea Croll, Wade Burns, Alesha Smith, Bridget Williams, Priscilla Ralph, Trina Cooney, Timothy Boardman, Georgia Reid, London Barker, John Bozzo, Darin Evans, Leon Fitz, Jitender Singh and Jamie Mcauslan will all be stationed at the correctional facility and play a major role in rehabilitating inmates.

Acting Assistant Commissioner Eloise Hamlett said the new officers were ready to take on the many challenges of working in a correctional centre after successfully completing the paid Custodial Officer Entry Program.

“Our correctional officers are equipped with the highest level of training, skills and support to enable them to perform their roles safely and effectively,” she said.

“We acknowledge their achievement and their commitment to model the key principles of the Corrections 2030 strategy - safety, respect, excellence, empowerment and accountability.”


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