
Community & Business

3 July, 2022

New homes help disabled live life

A NEW initiative through FlexiChoice and Mi- Haven will deliver inclusive and accessible homes built across the Tablelands for those living with disability.

Artist impression of the Flexichoice Mihaven project
Artist impression of the Flexichoice Mihaven project

A NEW initiative through FlexiChoice and MiHaven will deliver inclusive and accessible homes built across the Tablelands for those living with disability. 

During a meeting at the Cedric Davies Community in Mareeba last week, FlexiChoice spoke with the Cairns-based disability accommodation property developer group MiHaven to discuss the possibility of building accessible homes in the region. 

With the housing market already limited, those living with disabilities will now have the opportunity to have a low-cost home built to meet their specific needs. 

MiHaven Director Sarah Mort has been working on projects similar to this and says it gives her a huge sense of pride to be able to get people into homes that are suitable for them. 

“This is a $3.5 million investment to get four brand new homes built for people living with disability in Mareeba,” she said. 

“Before only recently, the only choice for people who needed the care was aged care homes and our goal is to ensure no one under the age of 65 years old is in an aged-care facility. 

“As a construction company, it gives us a great sense of satisfaction to be able to give back to these people and help them with the aid they need.” 

In order to get a home for a tenant, they must be eligible for Specialist Disability Accommodation Funding, allowing them to live in high quality disability specific purpose-built homes at a low cost. 

The tenant can work alongside construction teams to build a home that is suitable to their needs and cater to their personal standard of living. 

FlexiChoice finance manager Maribel Peckham has been working alongside Ms Mort to get tenants the support they need and believes this partnership will truly benefit her clients long term. 

Clients living in their own specially designed home means disability support workers from FlexiChoice are able to work with them on a regular basis with minimal issues. 

“FlexiChoice is hoping that this partnership with MiHaven will not only benefit the individual but also make a difference in the community and open the door to more affordable housing. 

“Our region is experiencing a large population growth and through this initiative, we are excited to make a positive contribution to the local community and hope to expand further afield.” 

The first two homes will be constructed at Mason Street and Andre Street for FlexiChoice participants.


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