
Community & Business

25 August, 2022

New ladies to lead QCWA

FRESH NEW faces have taken on president, vice president and treasurer at the recent Mareeba QCWA Branch annual general meeting.

The Mareeba QWCA new committee Secretary Janet Parkinson, President Helen Elmes, Vice President Doreen Whelan (front) and Treasurer Pam Hart.
The Mareeba QWCA new committee Secretary Janet Parkinson, President Helen Elmes, Vice President Doreen Whelan (front) and Treasurer Pam Hart.

Helen Elmes took on the role of president, Doreen Whelan took on the role as vice president, the position of treasurer was awarded to Pam Hart and Janet Parkinson will remain as the secretary. 

With the values of the QCWA imbedded in her bloodline, Helen took on the role as president and was humbled to be elected. 

“I am so very excited and very proud that I have a beautiful bunch of ladies here with me,” she said.

“I have been a member for the last seven years and some big highlights have been stepping up into leadership roles.

“I will do the best I can to encourage the ladies around me, get us more education and get us involved in more QCWA travelling events.” 

Janet has held the position of secretary for seven years on and off and has watched the branch grow and change since joining in 2017. 

She believes it is fabulous to have a great new team of ladies to work with and knows they will achieve high. 

“I think the ladies are doing well. They are new to the job and it will take some time for them to learn to ropes but I know they will do well,” she said.


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