24 January, 2023
New lessee for pool
MARLIN Coast Swimming and Fitness have temporarily taken up the reins of managing the Kuranda, Mareeba and Dimbulah Pools while Mareeba Shire Council searches for a long-term lessee to manage the three facilities.
Previously, H20 Sport and Leisure Group was signed on the manage the three facilities in a long-term lease arrangement but due to some complications between H20 and Council, the lease was dissolved.
The pools were temporarily back in the hands of council before Marlin Coast came on board to manage them in the interim while council prepares to put out expressions of interest for the long-term.
Mayor Angela Toppin said Marlin Coast will be managing the pools until 30 June while council searches for alternative options.
“As mayor, I would like to reassure residents that pools will remain open,” she said.
“The shire's swimming pools provide very important social and recreational opportunities and deliver significant community benefit, many residents are also employed as lifeguards or staff at the pools.
“Council apologises for any inconvenience during this transition period.”
Previous lessee June Cotter was recently brought back and her vast knowledge was drawn on to help staff get their lifeguard and first aid accreditations and to increase their awareness around water.