
Community & Business

25 August, 2022

New playgrounds bring excitement to local families

TWO NEW playgrounds at Amaroo Estate and Kuranda are a step closer, with Mareeba Shire Council approving two contracts for the projects.

An artist’s impression of what the Amaroo playground playground will look like.
An artist’s impression of what the Amaroo playground playground will look like.

The Amaroo playground will be established at a site located on Karobean Drive and Hastie Road, with the first stage of the park development costing $270,000. 

A report to council advised the project, which was awarded to Moduplay Pty Ltd, will feature interactive play equipment to tie into a main central play feature being a domed climbing frame or similar. 

The project also includes rubberised softfall and a structure to shade the play area as well as the inclusion of seating, tables, picnic shelter and lighting. 

“Council received six tenders for consideration, and I would like to congratulate Moduplay Pty Ltd for being awarded the contract. Their design had special charm due to layout, presentation and the potential to appeal to a broader cross-section of children, across a wider age range,” Mayor Angela Toppin said. 

“The playground will be constructed on an underdeveloped greenfield site, and is the first step in a redesign of the entire location. “The park will be further developed in the future when funds become available.” 

The completion of the playground is the first stage of the park development, with council developing an overall master plan for the entire site. 

“The master plan will be further developed through local resident input and will be the subject of a further workshop with council,” the report stated. 

The new Kuranda playground will be established at Centenary Park, bordered by Coondoo and Therwine streets, and will be based around a theme appropriate for the rainforest village. 

Council awarded the $300,000 contract to Moduplay Pty Ltd for the new facility. 

The playground project includes interactive play equipment, a rubberised soft fall surface, shade sail structure, lighting for night-time use and security, shelter, seating, and tables for parents.

“Council specified that all materials and equipment be robust and suitable for installation in a wet environment that is prone to mould and fungal attack,” a report stated. 

The contract also includes the removal and salvage of the existing play area and shade sail for potential use elsewhere in the shire. “I am delighted to know that the shade sail and play equipment will be re-purposed,” Mayor Toppin said. 

“This is another example where council has looked to the circular economy for ways to reuse materials for as long as possible, and reduce valuable items going to landfill.” 

It is expected that the park upgrade will be completed by the end of the year.


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