
Community & Business

30 June, 2023

New survey throws light on disabled

NEARLY one in five Queenslanders – more than 935,000 people - identify as a person with disability, a new survey has found.

New survey throws light on disabled - feature photo

The study also revealed that life has improved for one in three Queenslanders living with disability, their family and carers, and that about 191,000 people in Queensland are the primary carer for a person with disability.

Recent projections show Queensland’s National Disability Insurance Scheme participants will almost double to 223,000 in the next 10 years.

More than 440 people took part in the Voice of Queenslanders with Disability survey, conducted by Griffith University and Queenslanders with Disability Network.

Thirty per cent of people who participated in the inaugural study said that life had improved in the last year. They agreed that they had enough money (53 per cent), a good job (56 per cent), and accessible, safe housing (66 per cent).

People who felt that life was improving also said they were safe (80.5 per cent), happy (72 per cent), and healthy (49 per cent), with access to the paid (31 per cent) and unpaid (45 per cent) support they needed.

While there was much to celebrate in the survey findings, about one-in-four respondents (24 per cent) felt life had worsened in the last year.

The remaining participants said life was similar to the previous year and they were managing fairly well.

The Voice of Queenslanders with Disability report, released by the State Government last week, will help to improve the inclusion and service experiences of Queenslanders with disability.

The report identifies four key strategies for action - safeguarding community voice, improving standard of living and social protection, enhancing dignity and equity, and strengthening belonging.


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