
Community & Business

22 February, 2023

Nicholas speaks to youth success

THE Lions Youth of the Year quest is back on again, with three students from St Stephen’s Catholic College taking on the challenge over the weekend.

Ella Daven, Nicholas Brammer and Manvir Kaur with Lions Youth coordinators Gilbert Teitzel and Gary Searle on Saturday night
Ella Daven, Nicholas Brammer and Manvir Kaur with Lions Youth coordinators Gilbert Teitzel and Gary Searle on Saturday night

The annual public speaking competition aims to bring up young and emerging leaders and judges participants on their leadership, citizenship, personality, academics, sporting and cultural, community involvement and general knowledge.

The Mareeba Club quest commenced on Saturday morning with each participant being interviewed by the judging panel. Later that evening, they were asked impromptu questions and delivered a speech.

Ella Daven, Nicholas Brammer and Manvir Kaur spent Saturday being interviewed and speaking in front of a judging panel of influential members of the community.

At the end of the night, it was Nicholas who came out on top, with his speech on national servicemen and the different ways to serve.

The topic, one close to his heart, fascinated the audience and judging panel putting him through to the next round where we will compete against the best speakers in the region.

Director and Youth of the Year Coordinator Gilbert Teitzel congratulated each student on their efforts during the quest and said the best part was the announcement of Nicholas as winner.

“I think announcement of the winner is always the most exciting part, for the Club members particularly,” he said.

“But the prepared speeches were thought provoking and delivered well, so I would say was the best part.”

Nicholas will take on the Zone Final in Mareeba on Saturday 4 March


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