
Community & Business

5 March, 2022

Park tenant told to move on

YUNGABURRA caravan park resident Jenny Sager has accepted that she will have to leave her home of 10 years but still believes permanent tenants of the facility like herself and her daughter were not treated with respect and kindness by Tablelands Regional Council.

Park tenant told to move on - feature photo

Council gave permanent tenants their marching orders in August last year after making a decision in 2020 to lease the park out to a commercial operator. But with a major sewerage project still to be done, those plans were put on hold and new managers will be in place for the next 12 months while that job is completed. 

Jenny lives in what is called a MDTA dwelling, a sturdy shed-like home, which she must now remove before the end of March at her own cost, estimated at more than $15,000. 

In total, residents of 13 dwellings on the site were asked to move and relocate their homes from the caravan park, most of which have complied but Jenny and her daughter, who lives in a separate dwelling, are the last to leave. 

Jenny took her case to the Atherton Court recently in a bid to have the council decision revoked but was unsuccessful and has now been ordered to vacate by 8 March. 

The issue has been ongoing since August last year when council made its decision to force the residents to leave. Jenny has been given a few extensions to allow her to make a plan for where to go and how to remove the dwelling. 

But it has all taken a toll. 

“It’s not been right – there has been no compassion for the human factor,” she said. 

“I had a plan – I bought this dwelling and added my own veranda and have paid my land rental fees for the past decade – now I don’t have anywhere to put this structure, there are no rentals available at the moment, so I am not sure where I’m going to go. 

“I’ve lived and worked in this town for 31 years and now I have to find another place to be.” 

Jenny is open to selling the dwelling (pictured) if someone wants to buy it and remove it. Her daughter is also keen to sell her structure. If anyone is interested, call Jenny on 0458 928 344 or email


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